OPEN Topics on Winning Sound.
Ideally, your winning sound is a combination of the past and the present, truthfully and boldly leading you into the future. Learn more as Jamie DeVenere reveals her mission of preserving MTV’s truth and providing the truth for the future. Meanwhile, Belinda Lopez shares how she produced magic at Spotify by uncovering insights allowing unique stories to come to life — this is your path forward in 2022.
That’s what I love about what I do. It’s like keeping the truth and providing the truth for the future. There’s been content that I’ve worked on that gets me a little choked up, because it’s educated people. It kind of hit me one day, I’m like, “This is really cool. When I’m dead and gone, people are going to be able to see this and I had a little something to do with it. Awesome.”
— Jamie DiVenere
Media Archiving, Curation, Metadata Management & Digital Strategy for Viacom’s The MTV Vault Project
— It’s hard work to capture time as it’s passing, to freeze it, analyze it, and package it for the future, and it’s probably even harder still to retrieve it further on down the road. But is anything more vital, more poignant? At the end, if the scenes of your life—the moods, the people—have blown by so fast you can’t recollect them, or you were simply distracted, what do you have? Better not to have let them slip through in the first place.
I’m thinking about this cause I’m thinking about the interview I just had with Jamie DiVenere, a New York-based media consultant specializing in archives. Maybe if I asked sweetly, Jamie would take the VHS tape of my two-year-old son riding a self-propelled plastic motorcycle, and the one of my daughter’s first hit in softball, and digitize them for posterity, but that's not really her thing. For companies, Jamie makes sense of the scattershot, organizing the random as she helps monetize the memories and vital moments in history. Jamie recently finished just such a digitization assignment, The MTV Vault Project, for MTV and VH1, two brands of Viacom. Memory preservation, yes. But MTV can also now sell that content, or at least not have to pay external stock licensing sources for content it owns but can't find because they didn’t know what they had within the context of the archived assets. I want my MTV? Even MTV wants its MTV.
“MTV had gold. But they also knew the tapes were on a path of physical degradation, in addition to being aware of the obsolescence of the related hardware. This can be a known thing, but that doesn’t always drive companies to write the check. You need savvy leadership.”
Audio Marketing
Our goal is to uncover insights that allow unique stories to come to life, I think that’s the magic, you know.
— Belinda Lopez Sturtevant
Global Director of Integrated Production at Spotify
— It’s said that we form our musical tastes early on—for life. We can pretend later that we’re really into jazz or chamber music, but it turns out nothing will ever move us the way the Beatles’ “Something” moved me in October 1969, or Drake’s “God’s Plan” moved kids this year, even if we were too young to get the song (at all, in my own case). For the record, I was only eight years old in 1969, so there was still some wiggle room. I filled it with bubble gum, glam rock, punk, and that guy from the Jersey Shore, more or less in that order.
“With Wrapped, artists wanted to celebrate and thank their fans. I think fans are enormously devoted to following and supporting their top artists, and I think the community is really, really strong in that way.”
Earlier this month, Spotify, the music-subscription service, tabulated data about my current listening habits. In a very pleasant and creative way, Spotify shared the numbers back with me online (this is Spotify’s 2018 Wrapped campaign). The personalized interactive 2018 Wrapped experience is awesome. Turns out I had spent 22,074 minutes on the service this year, 600 of those—the most—with Sarah Shook & the Disarmers. I had listened to non-mainstream artists 104% more than the average Spotify listener. Spotify Wrapped is a fun and, even better, personal marketing campaign.
Belinda Lopez, Director of Integrated Production at Spotify and a member of its award-winning in-house agency, recently explained how it all comes together. She also (you have to read to the end, no cheating) dished her top four songs for New Year’s Eve. As I write this final OPEN Topics of 2018, I am familiar with one of them (everybody is), but not the other three. New Year’s Eve in Nashville, I’ll be listening to Belinda’s faves, expanding my cultural horizons. In New York’s Chinatown, Todd will tune in, as will Chloe across the river in Bushwick, Brooklyn. Mia, many hours ahead of us in Hamburg, Germany, will certainly have her headphones on. Happy New Year, everybody.
“Being able to translate something and then transcreate to that local market is very nuanced, and it’s been a huge learning for me. Just being able to adapt your thinking in a way that, for example, is this too culturally one-sided? You have to really have a world view of who your users are.”
What is the sound of OPEN Topics?