OPEN Topics on Female Future.
Support her by reflecting on, and executing, the powerful lessons by our brazen Brazilian visionary Ale Lariu — this is your path forward in 2021.
Women’s Voices
The more diverse your board and leadership, the better a company performs. This is the thing, it’s not just about being morally right. There is a business imperative to all this. It’s better for businesses, companies perform better. There are numbers involved.
— Alessandra Lariu
Co-Founder of SheSays & Experience Design Consultant
— I’m looking out the window at the Chinatown skyline when Alessandra Lariu starts talking about the jungle. That’s where she grew up, a few years ago, when Porto Velho, Brazil, was barely a dot on the map. The closest big city north is Manaus, 900 klicks away. To the south, it’s La Paz, and that’s in Bolivia; you have to drive 29 hours through Peru to get there. In between, and east and west, you want green space? Perhaps her isolated youth is why Ale is driven to connect, both for a living (she’s a brand innovator) and as an avocation, as co-founder of SheSays, a global organization educating and empowering women, particularly about money and pay equality, which is our topic today. It may also be why after many years in London, she’s also at home in a jungle of a different sort, New York City.
Women’s Voices Two
Pregnancy discrimination is something deeply ingrained, and wrongly ingrained in our culture, that because women are having children, they cannot perform as much. This is 100% bull***t. So one way to fix the gender #PayGap is to fix the attitude towards motherhood.
— Alessandra Lariu