

Jumpstart! with OPEN Topics.

Today is the perfect day to Jumpstart! Restart Your Career & Life. Which is why we are happy to support SheSays Berlin in presenting the voices of three dynamic women sharing their best ideas on how to Jumpstart! From thriving as an independent creative, to polishing up your business profile, to learning how creativity can help you blossom in your darkest hour, there is so much inspiration. Vielen Dank for visiting, this is your path forward.





Jumpstart! with Alexandra Dorisca, global event producer from France. She is specialized in event management, successful planning, delivery, and an advocate for true diversity & inclusion. Find out how Alexandra has built her unconventional career using YouTube mentors, social media and the STAR method to sell her work.

“Your time is precious. Ask yourself, why them? Why do you want to work with those people? It’s like a relationship. Be picky. Work with great people, because your network is your net worth.”


Jumpstart! with Jemima Jordan, Creative Recruiter with RED SOFA, helping creative people and creative agencies find each other. Learn about her diverse career path ranging from charity work, to advertising in the UK and creative recruitment in Germany. Jemima also shares tips on switching careers, optimizing your CV/portfolio, the importance of volunteering and how to navigate a challenging economic market while seeking new career opportunities — hint: it’s not you it’s the market, so create your own opportunities and unique brand.

“If you feel like you’ve hit a brick wall, take a break. Recenter and take stock of everything you’ve done. Ask yourself, who are you doing this for? Who, what and why? And, what are you willing to sacrife.”


Jumpstart! with Shelley Lui, award winning Art/Creative Director at INNOCEAN. Born in Hong Kong, she grew up in Costa Rica, and after a brief stint in Business Administration, ended up in South Beach Miami to attend Miami Ad School. Learn about her life long love of advertising, reaching her career goals and how her life was disrupted by a shocking event in the summer of 2019. The resulting turbulence led to a deeper level of creativity and blossomed into new opportunities.

“Create your own opportunities. Really push yourself and explore the potential you have as a creative. Ask yourself, how am I creative? How have I been creative in the past? What do I want to be? Lastly, what can I add to my toolkit to compliment my existing skills?”

 Jumpstart! Event snapshots @Saint  —  Berlin, Germany 27 September 2023  —

Musical     Inspiration!

Jump by Van Halen, because levity and joy are some of the key elements of life. After all, life is short, so just enjoy the journey and Jump!



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